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A room with grow.upp furniture is the perfect addition to daily outings into nature.Children can discover something new every day.Room elements are consciously designed according to the laws of nature, which we recognise from our local landscapes.Strong contrasts were deliberately avoided in the color scheme with emphasis on harmony and aesthetics. In this way we have created a quiet zone in a world which is full of sensory overload.
STEM 活動牆重新定義了教室的牆面
STEM 活動牆一個可無限拓展牆面學習系統,一款擁有設計專利的牆面STEM學習系統,加上不同的學習配套,小朋友透過親手操作(Hands-On Experience)在體驗中學習
科學 (Science)、技術 (Technology)、
工程(Engineering) 和數學(Mathematics)。
由淺入深 逐步提升
權威教育專家、幼童和開發者三方多年共同實驗和互動創造了一個附有無限想像空間含高度操作性的牆面學習系統,一個小小工程師的表演舞台! 活動牆面系統操作原理簡單,小朋友可瞬間掌握。從崁入插丁到栓緊螺絲,難度一步一步提升,老師也適時加入不同的配套教具做多方深度拓展。
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